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How are stick vacuum cleaners anti-allergenic?

As an important tool for household cleaning, stick vacuum cleaners are especially important for people with allergies. However, the vacuum cleaner itself can become an allergen, causing an allergic reaction to worsen. So, how to carry out anti-allergy treatment and create healthy and environmentally friendly stick vacuum cleaners? This article will introduce you to some effective methods to help you reduce allergens and improve the anti-allergic performance of stick vacuum cleaners.
Choose a high-efficiency filtration system:
The filtration system of stick vacuum cleaners is key to anti-allergy treatment. Choose stick vacuum cleaners with high-efficiency filtration capabilities, which can effectively filter tiny particles and allergens in the air and reduce the occurrence of allergic reactions. Common high-efficiency filtration systems include HEPA filters and multi-stage filtration systems. The HEPA filter can filter more than 99.97% of 0.3 micron particles, effectively preventing the spread of dust, pollen, pet dander and other allergens; the multi-stage filtration system gradually filters particles and allergens in the air through multiple filtration levels. When choosing a vacuum cleaner, you can focus on the performance and filtration effect of its filtration system.
Clean and replace filters regularly:
In addition to choosing a high-efficiency filtration system, regular cleaning and replacement of filters are important steps in maintaining the anti-allergenic performance of stick vacuum cleaners. The filter will accumulate dust and allergens during use. If not cleaned and replaced in time, the filtering effect will decrease and the risk of allergic reactions will increase. Depending on the frequency of use and environmental conditions of stick vacuum cleaners, clean the filter regularly and replace it as recommended in the instruction manual to maintain filtration effectiveness and anti-allergic performance.

Wall mounted cordless vacuum cleaner H09
Pay attention to indoor environmental hygiene:
In addition to stick vacuum cleaners themselves, indoor environmental hygiene is also key to reducing allergic reactions. Keeping the room clean and dry and regularly removing dust and allergens can reduce the accumulation and spread of allergens. Regularly clean carpets, curtains and furniture, maintain indoor ventilation, and reduce the presence of allergens such as pet dander and pollen, which can help improve indoor air quality and reduce the occurrence of allergic reactions.
To create healthy and environmentally friendly stick vacuum cleaners, anti-allergy treatment is crucial. Choosing a high-efficiency filtration system, regularly cleaning and replacing filters, and paying attention to indoor environmental hygiene can effectively reduce allergens and improve the anti-allergic performance of stick vacuum cleaners. Protect the health of people with allergies while cleaning your home.